HC Deb 04 March 1947 vol 434 cc51-3W
28. Mr. Bossom

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury how much each Department of State spent last year, apart from the cost of staff, on posters, printing, cinematograph publicity and other activities of its public relations section.

Mr. Glenvil Hall

Direct expenditure by Departments in 1946 is given in table I below. Table II gives the expenditure by the Stationery Office on behalf of Departments individually. Table III gives expenditure by the Central Office of Information on behalf of all Departments, under subheads of the Vote. Details of expenditure for each Department in this case are not readily ascertainable. Tables II and III cover a period of nine months only, 1st April—31st December, 1946; since the Ministry of Information was not a common service Department, and expenditure by them and by the Stationery Office at their request was not recorded against individual Departments. Some of the figures given are only approximate.

I. Departmental expenditure (full year). II. Stationery Office expenditure (nine months).
£ £
Admiralty 37,000(a) 3,767
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. 1,391
Air Ministry 14,150(a) 7,094
Civil Aviation 1,085
Colonial Office 7,000(b) 19,759
Control Office —(c)
Dominions Office 14,350 10,176
10, Downing Street
Ministry of Education 105
Ministry of Food 465,860 28,165
Foreign Office 688,739(d) 155,210
Forestry Commission —0
Ministry of Fuel and Power. 21,588 7,736
Ministry of Health 545 6,894
Home Office —4
India Office 164 4,352
Inland Revenue
Ministry of Labour 2,050 11,057
Ministry of National Insurance. 23 9,771
National Savings Com mittee. 552,794 53,472
Ministry of Pensions —2
Post Office 38,699(e) 76
Department of Scientific And Industrial Research. 2831
Ministry of Supply 2,160 2,465
Ministry of Town and Country Planning. 59 332
Board of Trade 835 5,915
War Damage Commission.
War Office 33,800(a) 1,682
Ministry of Transport 124
Ministry of Works 10,500 1,524
Scottish Home Department. 294
1,889,401 332,331
(a) This expenditure was mainly in connection with the recruiting drive.
(b) Revenue from the sale of publications and other activities was £3,262.
(c) Control Office expenditure abroad in reeducating Germans and Austrians is not included.
(d) Revenue from the sale of publications, films, etc., was £420,300.
(e) Mainly in respect 01 Savings Bank publicity.

A — Salaries, etc. 482,000
B — Travelling and Incidental Expenses 69,000
C — Telegrams and Telephones 50,000
D — Press advertising 437,000
E — Other press publicity 35,000
F — Publications 18,500
G — Post advertising 221,000
H — Films 423,000
I — Broadcasting 8,000
J — Photographs 52,000
K — Exhibitions 68,000
L — Miscellaneous publicity and services 72,000
M — Losses and Compensation 500
Z — Appropriations in Aid 175,000
Net Expenditure £1,761,000