HC Deb 19 June 1947 vol 438 cc232-3W
Mr. A. Edward Davies

asked the Minister of Labour if he will give details, on a trade and industry basis, of the unemployed, men and women separately, for North Staffordshire at the latest available date.

Mr. Ness Edwards

The table below gives an industrial analysis of the number of insured men and women registered at employment exchanges in North Staffordshire as unemployed at 12th May, 1947.

guaranteed payments to be made under that scheme; and when an Order will be made under the Dock Workers (Regulation of Employment) Act, setting up a permanent scheme.

Mr. Ness Edwards

My right hon. Friend has received reports on both these Inquiries, and stencilled copies will be available on Friday afternoon in the Library of the House. He has now made the Dock Workers (Regulation of Employ- ment) Order, 1947, dated 16th June, 1947, embodying a permanent Scheme which will come into operation at some ports on 28th June, and at others on 30th June. Copies of the Order will be available in the Vote Office on Friday afternoon