HL Deb 01 July 1947 vol 149 c766WA

asked His Majesty's Government whether their attention has been drawn to the protests which have been sent in by the Kingsclere and Whitchurch Rural District Council, the National. Farmers' Union, and the Town and Country Harming Committee at Winchester, with regard to the R. A. F. Experimental Station at Farnborough, making the Cannon Heath Downs into a permanent Bombing Range, and which have been forwarded to the Regional Office of the Town and Country Planning Ministry at Reading by their request, and if so, whether they will be willing to give them sympathetic consideration.


The proposal to retain Cannon Heath Downs as an experimental range is now before the Interdepartmental Committee on Services Land Requirements. The Committee will take full account of the protests which have been received and the bodies concerned will nave an opportunity of making representations to the Committee before a final decision is taken.

House adjourned at eleven minutes before eleven o'clock.