HC Deb 26 February 1947 vol 433 cc306-8W
Sir E. Graham-Little

asked the President of the Board of Trade on what ground his Department refused to supply a vacuum flask to a patient on a doctor's certificate until the doctor furnished a description of the exact nature of the illness; and whether this description, when furnished, was referred to a medical advisory committee.

Sir S. Cripps

As was explained in the reply given to my hon. Friend the Member for South Battersea (Mrs. Ganley) on 25th November last, serious difficulties in obtaining components made it necessary to limit the issue of permits under the distribution scheme which is voluntarily run by Thermos (1925), Limited. Insufficient flasks were available to allow the issue of permits against all medical certificates presented and it was decided that the only way to ensure that at least the most pressing cases were promptly met was to ask doctors to explain why in particular cases flasks were thought to be essential. The arrival of components from abroad has now somewhat eased the position and recently permits have been issued to all applicants furnishing medical certificates.

The answer to the latter part of the Question is, "No, Sir."

Mr. J. Morrison

asked the President of the Board of Trade what is the present annual supply figure of vacuum flasks, as compared with prewar; what categories of persons can obtain these flasks and by what means; and what other Departments are concerned with the distribution of these flasks.

Sir S. Cripps

At the present rate of production about 1,600,000 vacuum flasks per annum should be available for the home market as compared with about 5,000,000 before the war, the majority of which were imported. Under a voluntary arrangement with the manufacturers the standard one pint Thermos flask is only supplied against permits. This arrangement does not apply to other makers of vacuum flasks or to the other products of the Thermos Company.

The following classes of people are considered for the issue of permits:

  1. (a) Persons who cannot obtain a hot drink at or near their place of employment.
  2. (b) Persons who obtain a certificate from a doctor stating that a flask is necessary:
    1. (i) for reasons of health;
    2. (ii) for the feeding of an infant where health considerations apply;
    3. (iii) for invalids or the feeding of infants during long and difficult train journeys where there are no facilities for obtaining a hot drink.
  3. (c) Elderly persons who have no one to look after them.
  4. (d) Infants where there are no facilities for readily obtaining a hot drink, e.g. gas or electricity.

Permits are also issued for experimental and technical purposes. Permits under Category (a), which represent the majority, are issued by the Government Department responsible for the industry or service in which the applicant is employed. In general, applications should be made through an employer. The following is a list of the Departments issuing permits:

  • Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. Forestry Commission.
  • Ministry of Fuel and Power.
  • General Post Office.
  • Ministry of Health.
  • Home Office.
  • Ministry of Supply (firms under contract only).
  • Ministry of Transport.
  • Ministry of Works.
  • Admiralty (civilian employees only).
  • Air Ministry (civilian employees only).
  • Ministry of Food.
  • Department of Agriculture for Scotland.
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  • Scottish Education Department.
  • Department of Health for Scotland.
  • Scottish Home Department.

Workers not covered by any of these Departments together with persons in the other categories are dealt with by the Board of Trade regional offices.