HC Deb 26 February 1947 vol 433 cc300-1W
118. Mr. Ward

asked the Secretary of State for Air whether he will give an assurance that in any redundancy scheme all ex-Servicemen at present employed as temporary staff at the accounts branch of his Department at Worcester will be retained; and that the policy of last in first out will not apply to ex-Servicemen and, particularly, disabled men.

Mr. P. Noel-Baker

The order of discharge of temporary staff in the accounts branches at Worcester and of similar staff throughout my Department is governed by an agreement reached by the Departmental Whitley Council. The general effect of this agreement is that discharge on redundancy is by length of service. Ex-Servicemen of the recent war are given no special preference over other temporary staff, but they are allowed under certain conditions to count their service in the Forces when their seniority in the Civil Service is determined. Disabled men also take their place on the seniority list, but none is discharged if this would bring the percentage of registered disabled people in my Department below the figure of 3 per cent. laid down in the Disabled Persons (Employment) Act. 1944.

119. Mr. Ward

asked the Secretary of State for Air whether he will give an assurance that if any ex-Servicemen civil servants become redundant at the accounts branch of his Department at Worcester they will immediatley be absorbed into other Departments which are short-staffed.

Mr. P. Noel-Baker

Particulars of all redundant temporary staff in my Department are forwarded to the Ministry of Labour and the Treasury as early as possible before the staff are discharged. It is for these Departments to arrange that the names of those who wish to stay in the Civil Service are brought to the notice of Departments which are short of staff.

120. Mr. Ward

asked the Secretary of State for Air why the accounts branch of his Department at Worcester still work overtime each week and employ part-time staff although redundancy notices have already been issued to' some of the temporary staff, including ex-Servicemen, with effect from 6th March, 1947.

Mr. P. Noel-Baker

The Accounts Branches of my Department at Worcester are working the 45½ hour week laid down for non-industrial staffs in all Government Departments. I see no reason for discriminating against part-timers, who responded to the Government appeal during the war, when they are doing useful work and are willing to stay on.