§ Mr. Sharpasked the Minister of National Insurance when Mr. Ernest Nuttall, 2, Lower Lark Hill, Moorside, Cleckheaton, who retired from work on 24th August, 1946, whose old age pension number is 48464815, and, who, although eligible for the 26s. pension as from the first pay week in October, only received it as from 15th November, 1946, will receive the additional £4 16s. to which he is entitled.
§ Mr. S. Shephardasked the Minister of National Insurance when he proposes to issue a payments book entitling Mrs. L. J. Goodwin, Ashbracken, Cropwell Road, Radcliffe-on-Trent, Notts, to her increased old age pension, due in October last.
§ Mr. SteeleI am having inquiries made into these cases and will write the hon. Members as soon as possible.
§ Sir J. Lucasasked the Minister of Pensions if Mr. Charles Quin, 10, Albany Road, Southsea, pension No. 35484823, may now have his new pension book for which he applied on 12th October 6th November and 8th January last.
§ Mr. SteeleI have been asked to reply. Inquiries are in hand and I will write to the hon. Member as soon as possible.