§ 82. Mr. Bramallasked the Minister el Transport if he will take steps to cause the railway companies to remove the anomaly that whereas all other workers who work staggered hours may now purchase workmen's tickets, this privilege is still denied to Post Office workers.
§ Mr. CallaghanCertain extensions are being made in the arrangements for the issue of workmen's tickets outside the normal hours on the Main Line Railway services and the railway, tramway and trolley vehicle services of the London Passenger Transport Board, and a statement is attached to this answer. Post Office workers complying with the stated conditions will be able to get these tickets. I regret that any wider extension of the arrangements would be impracticable.
Following is the statement
As a temporary measure during the spreading of the industrial electricity load, the following extended arrangements for the issue of workmen's tickets outside the normal hours will be applied, from the earliest practicable date, on the Main Line Railway services and the railway, tramway and trolley vehicle services of the London Passenger Transport Board.
Workmen's tickets will be issued on the above-mentioned services on weekdays and Sundays, on production of a card of identity issued or authorised by the railways or the Board, and signed by their employer, to workmen coming within the categories of artisans, mechanics and labourers who are required to work shifts or regular turns of duty commencing at any time of the day.
Workmen's tickets will also be issued on the above mentioned services to other workers if
- (1) they are required, as a consequence of approved arrangements to spread the power load, to travel to work outside the normal hours of issue of workmen's tickets on weekdays, or on Sundays; and
- (2) previously to the introduction of the arrangements to spread the power load, their days and hours of work were such that they could avail themselves of workmen's tickets issued during the normal hours of issue on weekdays.
For this purpose a special card of identity will be necessary. Requests for these cards must be made by the employer to the railway concerned or to the Board, who will require evidence that the workers concerned comply with the above conditions. The necessary printing and preparation of the cards will be completed by the end of December.