HC Deb 02 May 1946 vol 422 cc33-4W
Mr. Howard

asked the Minister of Pensions what measures are taken by his Department to assist limbless ex-service men in obtaining small motor-cars and meeting the cost of adapting the control mechanism in a manner appropriate to their particular disability.

Mr. Wilfred Paling:

A badly disabled war pensioner who by reason of his disability requires special transport to enable him to obtain or keep employment is entitled to be supplied by my Department al State expense with a motor propelled invalid vehicle. Any necessary repairs are carried out at State expense and where needed and practicable a suitable garage is provided free of cost at the man's home. Moreover, in the case of pensioners who have suffered double leg amputation of which one at least is above the knee these arrangements apply even if the machine is for use only as an amenity.

If a pensioner desires to provide himself with a motor car he can, I understand, always obtain advice from the Disabled Drivers' Motor Club in regard to any necessary adaptations.