HC Deb 18 April 1946 vol 421 cc476-8W
43. Colonel Stoddart-Scott

asked the Secretary of State for War if he is aware that T/14427913 Driver J. Parker, 19 G.T. Coy., R.A.S.C., B. A O.R., has been endeavouring since September, 1945, to recover his watch and 2,503 Belgian francs, illegally held in the divisional welfare fund; and will he instruct the commander, 53rd Division, to ensure that this man obtains his rightful possessions.

Mr. Bellenģer:

Inquiries are being made and as soon as they are completed I will write to the hon. and gallant Member.

Lieut.-Colonel Sharp

asked the Secretary of State for War when the hon. and gallant Member for Spen Valley will re- ceive the report on 4608393 Pte. W. E. Hatfield, promised under W.O.ref.M.P. / 1991/ XL, dated 20th November, 1945; and whether, as there is no evidence that this soldier intended to desert the Army he will now implement the pledges given to this House on 29th March, 1946, with a view to assisting the soldier's wife and child whose allowances ceased in 1942.

Mr. Lawson:

I regret the delay in sending my hon. and gallant Friend a final reply about this case, but enquiries are still being made in South Africa and India as well as in this country with a view to finding out the full circumstances under which the Court of Inquiry made their declaration of desertion. So long as Private Hatfield remains posted as a deserter his wife and child are not entitled to any allowances.

Mr. Paģet

asked the Secretary of State for War when Mr. Norman Counsell of 20 Park Street, Northampton, who was demobilised on 15th January at Talavera Camp, Northampton, may expect to receive his demobilisation suit from Brandon depot, Burton-on-Trent; and why Brandon depot have not answered or acknowledged any of his letters.

Mr. Lawson:

I regret that on the information given it has not been possible to identify the case referred to, but steps have been taken to obtain the necessary Service particulars from Mr. Counsell in order that the matter may be investigated. I am sorry that there has recently been some delay in dealing with correspondence at Branston depot, but this has been caused by the concentration of all available staff on the task of issuing clothing.

Mr. Turton

asked the Secretary of State for War why the release under Class B of 1931428 Corporal J. Yates, R.E., as a key specialist in the electrical contracting industry, which was recommended by the Minister of Works last March, has not yet been carried out; whether he is aware that Corporal Yates has been sent to 72 Transit Camp for transit to Italy; and whether he will expedite his decision in this case.

Mr. Lawson:

A request for the release of Corporal Yates was not received from the Ministry of Labour and National Service until 15th April. Steps are now being taken to offer him Class B release, but it may take a little time before his release can be carried out as he had unfortunately left for C.M.F. before the hon. Member's Question appeared on the Order Paper and before any request for his release had been received by the War Office.

Mr. Emrys Roberts

asked the Secretary of State for War why the Class B release of 14916747 Private H. Hughes, 2nd Battalion, Welch Regiment, S.E.A.C., has not yet been effected although approved by the Ministry of Works.

Mr. Lawson:

I understand that there has been some difficulty in tracing this man as he has moved between India and S.E.A.C. I am, however, taking steps to find out whether an offer of Class B release has yet been made to him and, if so, with what result.