HC Deb 24 October 1945 vol 414 c2145W
Mr. Edelman

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what progress has been made towards the completion of an Anglo-French alliance; and whether this alliance is being designed as part of a system of alliances between States in Western Europe.

Mr. Bevin

As I indicated in my speech of 20th August, it is the policy of His Majesty's Government to establish the closest and most friendly relations with France.

Mr. Martin

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs how far, as a result of his recent conversation with the French Foreign Minister, have outstanding questions, particularly in regard to overseas problems, been composed between France and ourselves.

Mr. Bevin

As foreshadowed in my statement to the House on 20th August, I have had some talks with the French Minister for Foreign Affairs with a view to clearing up certain points of difficulty which had arisen between the French Government and ourselves. These discussions are continuing.