HC Deb 18 October 1945 vol 414 c1541W
Mr. Osborne

asked the Minister of Health if he is aware of the distress that is being caused in villages in the Caistor rural area owing to the absence of a water supply; that the rural council's scheme is held up awaiting his approval; if he will give immediate attention to the problem; and if he will appoint a Select Committee to report on the question of rural water supplies generally.

Mr. Bevan

I am aware of the need for water supplies in parts of this Rural District. Schemes in respect of fourteen parishes were submitted in July last and a local Inquiry will be held as soon as the Council furnish certain essential information which has been asked for. A separate scheme for Normanby-le-Wold was submitted to me in August. It contained certain abnormal features and in September I invited the Council to reconsider the matter and this, I understand, they are doing. I am unable to accept the suggestion in the last part of the Question.