HC Deb 11 October 1945 vol 414 cc420-2W
Mr. Hogg

asked the Minister of Health (1) for how long he proposes to continue the programme of temporary houses;

(2) what priorities in respect of housing accommodation it is proposed to give to members of the Forces.

Major P. Roberts

asked the Minister of Health whether he is in a position to make a statement on any recent progress with regard to the housing programme, in view of the anxiety on this matter of men and women returning from the Services and war factories.

Mr. De la Bère

asked the Minister of Health whether, in view of the fact that large numbers of householders throughout the country are uncertain as to the rights they still retain in their own properties, he will make a comprehensive statement clarifying the powers held by local authorities; and whether he will give sympathetic consideration to the case of a serving soldier or Serviceman who, on arrival home, finds that his house has been requisitioned.

Captain Crowder

asked the Minister of Health if it is his intention to introduce legislation to enable local authorities to make grants to owner-occupiers or purchasers in respect of small private houses built for sale or letting.

Mr. Sparks

asked the Minister of Health whether local authorities may expect a speedier delivery of temporary housing structures already ordered; if he is satisfied that materials and labour are available for the immediate commencement and speedy completion of permanent housing schemes already approved; and whether he can make a statement on future policy in relation to temporary housing and permanent housing, respectively.

Mr. S. Shephard

asked the Minister of Health how many permanent and temporary houses will be built during the next two years; and how many of each type will be in course of erection during the same period, respectively.

Captain Marples

asked the Minister of Health whether he is yet in a position to state how many permanent houses it is anticipated will be erected in England and ready for occupation by May, 1947.

Mr. Bevan

I am shortly to make a general statement on the Government's housing policy, and I would ask the hon. Members to await that statement.

Captain Crowder

asked the Minister of Health whether it is the intention of the Government to introduce legislation to implement the recommendations of the Ridley Report.

Mr. T. Reid

asked the Minister of Health if the Government will introduce legislation with a view to enabling any Service man or woman who owns a house occupied by others to obtain possession of it on demobilisation on the expiry of reasonable notice to the occupiers.

Mr. Bevan

I hope to be in a position shortly to announce the Government's decisions on these matters.