HC Deb 10 October 1945 vol 414 c239W
Major Wilkes

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what powers of dismissing collaborationist officers of the Greek police and Gendarmerie are possessed by the British Police Mission to Greece; and whether the Mission has as yet made any recommendation as to the fitness of Colonel Evert, Chief of the Athens police, to continue in his office.

Mr. Bevin

By agreement with the Greek Government, the British Police Mission have full powers of organisation and administration in the Greek Police Force and Gendarmerie, including such questions as appointments, promotions and transfers, but ultimate responsibility rests with the Greek Government. Under the Varkiza Agreement special purge councils have been established; their function is to review the records of officers and men in the Police and Gendarmerie. I understand that in the case of Colonel Evert as a result of their investigations this officer was exonerated.