HC Deb 07 November 1945 vol 415 c1406W
Wing-Commander Robinson

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies, what steps he is taking to secure the rehabilitation of the rubber and tin industries in Malaya.

Mr. George Hall

The rehabilitation of rubber estates of over 100 acres is being carried out by the industry with the assistance and support of the Government. Equipment for small holdings of under 100 acres is being provided by a Government Purchasing Unit which is now in Malaya.

As regards the tin industry, the problem has been discussed with representatives of the industry, and an expert, who was appointed some time ago to advise on the whole question, has submitted provisional plans after carrying out a fact finding survey of the industry. He has now gone to Malaya, together with a committee representing the industry which is to survey the mining properties and equipment. The provisional plans will be considered in the light of this report. Meanwhile orders have been placed in this country by the Government for substantial quantities of equipment for gravel pump mines.