HC Deb 31 May 1945 vol 411 cc385-7W
Mr. Lewis

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he is aware that numbers of persons who are entitled to be included in the register of electors have in fact been omitted from the new register, and if, in order that these mistakes may be rectified in the October register, he will consider issuing a regulation permitting the agents of the different political parties to submit claims in such cases in accordance with the practice which was followed before the war.

Sir D. Somervell

It is proposed to provide in the Regulations for the October register that a claim may be made on behalf of a claimant.

Mr. Kirby

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether, in view of the fact that the Electoral Register is known to be faulty and incomplete and that many electors will call at the polling booths only to find that they are not registered, he will arrange that at every polling booth forms of registration will be available on the day of election so that omissions may be recorded for inclusion on the next register.

Sir D. Somervell

The hon. Gentleman's suggestion would require legislation and would also be a considerable inconvenience to presiding officers. With regard to the October Register, the electoral lists will be published before the end of August and there will be an opportunity after then of making claims and objections.

Mr. Parker

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what is the total number of electors on the present register for the City of London, giving the figures for resident and business premises votes separately.

Sir D. Somervell

As the hon. Member was informed in reply to a Question on 3rd May, a return of the number of electors on each of the three Registers for all constituencies will be laid before Parliament as soon as this information is available.

Sir I. Fraser

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he has any statement to make as to the method whereby soldiers, sailors and airmen who are still serving, but who are in hospital and also those who have recently been discharged, but are still retained in hospitals or in training institutions like St. Dunstan's, may register their votes at the forthcoming General Election.

Sir D. Somervell

Any person on the Service Register may apply to vote by post if his application is received not later than four days before nomination day. As the qualifying date for the May Register was 31st January this will cover the position of all persons who have made Service declarations and were not discharged prior to that date.

Mr. Loverseed

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he proposes to arrange for supplementary electors' registers to be prepared to include late registrations received on behalf of His Majesty's Forces and civilians not included on the current register but possessing the necessary residence qualification.

Mr. H. Lawson

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, in connection with the disfranchisement of large numbers of people, what consideration has been given to the question whether any modification of the existing arrangements in respect of the May register can be made; and if he has any further statement to make on this matter.

Sir D. Somervell

I regret that in existing circumstances it is not possible to introduce any modifications or alterations in respect of the Parliamentary Register published on 7th May.

Mr. H. Lawson

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department approximately what number of applications for ballot papers to be sent by post at the General Election to Service personnel have been received by the electoral registration officers for the Divisions of Skipton and Harrow West, respectively; and what percentage of the names on the Service Register in each case does this number represent.

Sir D. Somervell

I regret that having regard to the very heavy work in which registration officers are now engaged, it is not practicable to call on them to supply the information asked for. Moreover, as Service postal voting applications are valid if received not later than four days before nomination day, the number of applications now received in any constituency would not in any case indicate the eventual total.