HC Deb 23 March 1945 vol 409 c1156W
Mr. E. Granville

asked the Secretary of State for War if he is aware that Mrs. T. O. Davies, of Metfield, Suffolk, has been notified by the Regimental Paymaster, A.P.O., York, that her married allowance had been stopped, as her husband Private T. O. Davies, No. 4194113, of a unit in the B.L.A. of which he has been informed, was illegally absent and that this soldier who served on the Italian front, was wounded in France after D-Day and is now serving on the Western front; and as Mrs. Davies is badly in need of her allowance, if he will investigate this matter and make an explanation.

Sir J. Griģģ

I have had this case investigated and I regret to say that Mrs. Davies' allowance was wrongly stopped as a result of a mistake, or series of mistakes. Action has been taken to reissue the proper allowance, and an Allowance Order Book, covering all arrears due from the original date of withdrawal, was sent to Mrs. Davies on 15th March. I very much regret the inconvenience she has suffered.