HC Deb 20 March 1945 vol 409 cc651-3W
Mr. Rhys Davies

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power the number of persons employed in and around coalmines in 1918 and at the last available date, respectively, in each of the several coalfields of this country.

Major Lloyd Georģe

Information is given in the table below:

the Minister of Health for adaptation and accommodation of dishoused families in the nearby mining villages.

Major Lloyd Georģe

Bentley No. 2 Hostel has not been brought into use because it has been possible to place fewer men at Bentley Colliery than was planned. Further, of those men allocated to Bentley Colliery a larger proportion have succeeded in making arrangements to live at home or in lodgings than was an- ticipated. On 13th March there were 925 residents in the Askern, Doncaster and Bentley No. 1 hostels. The total capacity of these hostels is 1,350. The damage to the hostel was caused by a sudden and severe drop in temperature one night in January. I am informed that the stoker employed by the Ministry of Works failed to carry out his instructions, as a result of which a number of the hot water pipes and radiators 'were fractured by frost. I have come to the conclusion that, in present circumstances, this hostel is not now required for the accommodation of miners. The question of its re-allocation is being considered by my right hon. Friend the Minister of Works.