HC Deb 28 February 1945 vol 408 cc1400-1W
Captain Duncan

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs how many British newspaper correspondents are now in Yugoslavia; and whether they are being given full facilities for the collection and dissemination of news.

Mr. Eden

There are at present in Yugoslavia a representative of Reuter's news agency and two Canadian newspaper correspondents. Yugoslav entry permits have been granted to correspondents of "The Times" and "Daily Herald" who have not yet entered the country. According to my information, the facilities granted to foreign correspondents in Be]-grade and the operation of the Yugoslav censorship are not now open to the criticisms which have been made against them in the past. It is expected that the position will be further improved shortly by the provision of better wireless facilities for the transmission of Press messages from Belgrade. The Minister of Information in Belgrade informed Allied correspondents on 9th February: It is in our interest, as well as in the interest of our Allies, to publish the truth about Yugoslavia. In this, Allied journalists can help us and their countries. His Majesty's Government share this view, and will continue to do everything in their power to assist the flow of information from inside Yugoslavia to the British Press.