HC Deb 21 February 1945 vol 408 c803W
Mr. Pritt

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is aware that there are some 5,000 persons unemployed in Cyprus, including many ex-Servicemen; what proportion this represents of the normal wage-earning population; and whether and what steps are being taken to relieve the situation by providing either work or maintenance for them.

Colonel Stanley

Exact unemployment figures are not available, but it is estimated that not more than a few hundred regular wage-earning labourers, including a few ex-Servicemen, are without employment at present. It is impossible to estimate what proportion of the normal wage-earning population this figure represents, but I understand that the number of labourers wholly dependent on wages is probably about 20,000. To meet this situation the Government have put in band a programme of public works estimated to cost about £120,000; in addition, over £250,000 will be spent locally during 1945 on projects financed under the Colonial Development and Welfare Act.