HC Deb 17 December 1945 vol 417 cc1055-7W
Mr. Medland

asked the Minister of War Transport if his attention has been drawn to the fact that a monopoly in transport has been created between Cawsand, Kingsand, Cremyll, Millbrook and Plymouth; and will he arrange for better travelling facilities for the general public between these villages and Plymouth, their main link with the outside world.

Mr. Barnes:

My information is at variance with that of my hon. Friend. If injured during the months of September and October, respectively, on roads which were subject to a speed limit during the hours of darkness up to 26th September, and on roads which were not subject to such a speed limit, respectively.

Mr. Barnes:

Following are the figures:

he will write to me specifying what improvements he considers necessary in the omnibus services in the district, I shall be happy to investigate.

Mr. J. J. Robertson

asked the Minister of War Transport if he will investigate the cause of the inadequacy of omnibus travelling facilities in rural districts in South-east Scotland, particularly Berwickshire; and what steps he proposes to take to remedy the present unsatisfactory position.

Mr. Barnes

The Regional Transport Commissioner has received no complaints but he is making special inquiries which would be assisted if my hon. Friend would let me have the details of the particular places or services he has in mind.

Mr. Sargood

asked the Minister of War Transport whether he is aware of the delays and inconvenience being caused to the people by the inadequate public passenger transport services in Bermondsey; and whether he will have inquiries made with the object of more satisfactory services being provided.

Mr. Barnes

I am informed by the London Passenger Transport Board that the service on omnibus route No. 47 (Shore-ditch-Farnborough) was increased at peak periods from 12th December and that it is proposed to increase the services on routes No. 1 (Lewisham-Willesden) and No. 82 (Rotherhithe-Stepney) in February. Recent observations by the Board show that the tram services in Bermondsey are adequate. Special attention is, however, being given to them, and adjustments will be made from time to time to meet any variation in the traffic demand.

Mr. Gooch

asked the Minister of War Transport if he will look into the new Order issued for omnibuses operating on the county services in Norfolk, under which 30 people will be allowed to stand in one type of vehicle; and if he will take steps to increase the number of public service vehicles in the county area.

Mr. Barnes

The permission to carry up to 30 standing passengers on certain specially adapted single-deck vehicles has been in operation during the greater part of the war. With the improvement in services now taking place the regional transport commissioner has recently reviewed the position and on town services has reduced the number allowed on these vehicles to 20. He will consider the matter again not later than March next. Omnibus services in rural areas will continue to be improved, where necessary, as additional staff is recruited.

Mr. Baldwin

asked the Minister of War Transport if he will make arrangements for a school omnibus service from the, Leintwardine and Wigmore districts to convey pupils to and from Lucton and Leominster secondary schools, a distance of approximately ten miles.

Mr. Barnes

My regional transport commissioner hopes to be able to arrange a service by the beginning of next term.