HC Deb 06 December 1945 vol 416 cc2692-3W
Mr. Baldwin

asked the Minister of National Insurance what steps he is taking to implement his promise to hold discussions with representatives of approved societies and of the staff organisations; whether it is his intention to offer to all approved society staffs alternative employment and terms equal to their present emoluments or adequate compensation; and on what basis he proposes to pay such compensation.

Mr. J. Griffiths

I have arranged a meeting with the Approved Societies Consultative Councils to discuss the appointment of representatives of the Approved Societies and of the appropriate staff organisations to consider the questions raised by the hon. Member, and cognate questions. Until these questions have been so considered I regret that I cannot add to the statement which I made on 22nd November in reply to a Question by my hon. Friend the Member for Norman-ton (Mr. T. Smith).

Mr. Baldwin

asked the Minister of National Insurance whether it was on his authority that a circular has recently been sent to all Government Departments throughout the country appealing for volunteers from their permanent staffs to transfer to the permanent staff of his new Department, and inducements offered in that circular to such volunteers; and will he consider such action as being contrary to pledges given to approved society staffs and prejudicial to the just claims of this experienced section of national health insurance workers.

Mr. J. Griffiths

A circular inviting permanent civil servants in certain grades to volunteer for transfer to the Newcastle offices of my Department was issued recently by the Treasury. These staff is required in order to provide for a number of head for head exchanges with officers of my Department who are due for transfer to Newcastle, but who on hardship or other grounds ought not to be transferred there permanently; and also to complete an adequate nucleus of experienced civil service staff, especially for purposes of the scheme of family allowances. These steps will not interfere with the opportunities of employment to be given later to suitably qualified staff of approved societies, as to which I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given on 22nd November to the hon. Member for Normanton (Mr. T. Smith).