§ Mr. Linsteadasked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what steps have been taken to inform the public of the opportunity afforded them of ascertaining whether their name is on the new Parliamentary register in time for errors and omissions to be rectified
§ Mr. EdeThe following steps have been taken to give publicity to the publication of the electors' lists: Home Office advertisements have been inserted in the national Press and the chief provincial daily papers. Electoral Registration Officers have also advertised in the local 815W Press and at their discretion have issued suitable posters. There has in addition been general publicity in the news columns of the daily and weekly Press throughout the country, based on material issued by the Home Office and Electoral Registration Officers. The B.B.C. have also given publicity in news bulletins, special anouncements and talks.
§ Squadron-Leader Donnerasked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he is aware that the list of electors in the Basingstoke division, and elsewhere, due to be published on 15th August, is still in the hands of the printers; and whether he will extend the period beyond 29th August in which claims can be made in order to ensure that the new register, when it comes into force, will be more accurate than its predecessor.
§ Mr. EdeThe hon. and gallant Member appears to be under a misapprehension in regard to the time for making claims and objections. Under the Regulations the time allowed for making claims and objections is fourteen days from the actual date of the publication of the lists in the constituency concerned, and the last date for publication of the lists is 29th August. Thus in cases where lists are not published until 29th August, claims and objections can be made up to 12th September. It is, I understand, anticipated that the lists for all Registration Units in the Basingstoke division will be published by 29th August.