HC Deb 14 November 1944 vol 404 c1810W
Mr. A. Duckworth

asked the Minister of Agriculture the total number of cases of foot-and-mouth disease that have occurred in this country and in the county of Shropshire, respectively, in each year since 1939, inclusive.

Mr. Hudson

The numbers of outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease in Great Britain and in Shropshire during each of the years 1939–1943, inclusive, and in the present year up to 8th November were as follows:

Year No. of outbreaks in Gt. Britain No. of outbreaks in Shropshire
1939 99 nil
1940 160 nil
1941 264 11
1942 670 nil
1943 27 nil
1944 156 4
(up to 12th November)