HC Deb 11 May 1944 vol 399 c2107W
Captain Ramsay

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he is aware that, on the arrest of Mr. Arnold Leese, the police abstracted amongst other items of his property three pamphlets entitled, respectively, "Gentile Folly," "The Rothschilds," "Devilry in the Holy Land and L'invasion Juive," and that even since Mr. Leese's release they refuse to return these pamphlets to him; whether this is in accordance with his instructions; and, if not, if he will give orders for their restoration to Mr. Leese.

Mr. H. Morrison

As Mr. Leese is aware, the pamphlets have been retained by the police in pursuance of an authority which I have given to them under Defence Regulation 93B.