HC Deb 06 July 1944 vol 401 cc1350-1W
Mr. Doland

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Works whether he can state the reason for amending Defence Regulation 56AB; and whether it is proposed, in controlling the entry of new firms into the building industry, to give special consideration to ex-Service men and to persons whose businesses have been closed owing to the war.

Mr. Hicks

The Order deals primarily with the eligibility for registration of persons desiring to set up a new business after 1st October, 1941, the date on which the existing Order came into force. The position under the existing Order is obscure, so that a new Order clarifying the position was in any event required. Inasmuch as the number of firms already registered is at present appreciably greater than is necessary to carry out the work which is within the capacity of the labour force available in the industry, uncontrolled entry of new firms into the in- dustry is undesirable. Approximately half the firms already registered have no employees. The revised Regulation accordingly provides that, subject to certain exceptions, a certificate of registration will only be granted if the Minister of Works considers it expedient, having regard to the needs of the community both generally and in the area to which the application relates.

My Noble Friend proposes to set up an independent Committee of three persons to advise him in the exercise of this discretion. The Committee, which will include a representative from Scotland, will be instructed to take into account the views of all sections of the industry and give sympathetic consideration to applications from ex-Service men. The exceptions are that any person who carried on a building or civil engineering business at any time between 1st May, 1939, and 1st October, 1941, or who is proposing to revive or carry on a business which has at any time been registered shall be entitled, as of right, to a Certificate of Registration. These exceptions should cover all cases in which the business was shut down because the owner was called up for Military Service or other priority work. Since the need for control ever entry into the Industry arises primarily from the war-time reduction of the labour force it is not proposed to continue this control after the labour force reaches approximately 75 per cent. of the prewar figure.

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