HC Deb 22 February 1944 vol 397 cc676-7W
Mr. Granville

asked the Minister of Agriculture why he has authorised county war agricultural executive committees to add a percentage for overhead charges to the standard or authorised prices for casual farm labour or for the hire of agricultural implements, as this policy adds considerably to the farmers' production costs; and if he will consider clearly defining and strictly limiting such charges.

Mr. Hudson

Instructions have recently been issued to county war agricultural executive committees which are designed mainly to secure that farmers hiring labour from Committees are not able to obtain this labour more cheaply than other farmers who employ comparable labour direct. Accordingly, Committees have been instructed, when making charges at time rates, to include in their charge, in addition to the actual cost of wages, the employer's share of the contributions under the State Insurance Schemes, Workmen's Compensation Act insurance premiums, the cost of holidays with pay and other similar items which are normally borne by the farmer when he employs labour direct. The items to be included are clearly defined in the instructions that have already been issued. I am not aware that the charges made by Committees for the hire of agricultural implements include any charge for overheads. The Ministry has indicated to Committees minimum rates estimated to cover the outlay on the supply and maintenance of the machinery hired out.

Mr. Granville

asked the Minister of Agriculture why he has instructed labour offices of the county war agricultural executive committees to charge 3s. 9d. per man per hour as the standard labour rate of lifting sugar-beet.

Mr. Hudson

No such instruction has been issued, and if the hon. Member will let me know which Committee is said to be making this charge, I will have inquiries made.

Mr. Granville

(asked the Minister of Agriculture if he will state the revenue obtained from the county war agricultural executive committees from overhead charges for casual farm labour and the hire of agricultural implements.

Mr. Hudson

I regret that in regard to labour the information desired by the hon. Member is not available. As regards implements, I would refer the hon. Member to my reply to his previous Question.