HC Deb 23 September 1943 vol 392 c412W
Sir J. Lucas

asked the Minister of Health whether, under his order for requisitioning empty houses for the duration of the war, provision is made for the occupants to have time to find alternative accommodation when hostilities cease?

Mr. E. Brown

The circular to local authorities which my hon. and gallant Friend has in mind related solely to the arrangements for requisitioning unoccupied houses for the accommodation of families at present inadequately housed. The point to which he refers is already under consideration in connection with the action to be taken when the time comes for the issue of directions regarding the release of these houses from requisition.

Sir L. Lyle

asked the Minister of Health how many empty houses in England and Wales, respectively, have been hitherto requisitioned by local authorities for housing purposes?

Mr. Brown

At the 30th June last, the latest date for which I have full information, 50,397 properties in England and 1,185 in Wales were held by local authorities under requisition or by agreement with the owners for residential purposes.

Lieut.-Colonel Dower

asked the Minister of Health whether he will give instructions to local authorities to grant members of His Majesty's Forces and others engaged on war work vacant possession of their houses at the conclusion of hostilities if seized by such authorities on the grounds of their being empty?

Mr. Brown

It is my intention that any such house which is required by the owner for his own occupation shall be released at the earliest possible moment. Clearly, the greatest possible preference must be given to the returning owner-occupier and local authorities will be advised in due course on the steps to be taken to secure this end.

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