HC Deb 20 October 1943 vol 392 c1400W
Captain Strickland

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to.the Ministry of War Transport whether the plans which are being prepared in his Department for the post-war construction of ring roads and radial arteries are yet sufficiently far advanced to be published in outline and when it is proposed to lay them before Parliament?

Mr. Noel-Baker

Many plans for the improvement of existing roads and for the construction of new roads have been or are being prepared. They are in varying stages of completion; none of them can be carried out until the war is over, and their completion will, no doubt, be spread over period of years. Before they are begun they will have to be examined in the light of other decisions about national planning which the Government will have made. It would therefore be premature to publish any general plan for highways at present. Where the sanction of Parliament is required for any given plan the necessary steps to obtain that sanction will be taken by the responsible highway authority.