§ Sir E. Graham-Littleasked the President of the Board of Trade who are the members of the committee under the chairmanship of Sir Walter Moberley, charged with the distribution of the reserve of paper for books of special importance; how often clues this committee meet; what was the last date of meeting; whether any record of its decisions is accessible to Members of Parliament; and, if so, where?
§ Mr. DaltonThe members of the committee which advises me on the distribution of the book publishers' reserve of paper are:
- Sir Walter Moberly,
- B. W. Fagan, Esq.,
- R. C. Holland, Esq.,
- R. J. L. Kingsford, Esq.,
- W. G. Taylor, Esq.
The committee meets regularly once a month and held its last meeting on 15th June. It does not take decisions, but makes recommendations to me.