HC Deb 15 July 1943 vol 391 cc383-4W
Mr. G. Strauss

asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that certain landlords of large working-class property in London still make it a condition that all tenants and their children must be vaccinated, and evict some tenants who exercise the right of conscience accorded by Parliament to object to having their children vaccinated; and whether he will take any steps to prevent landlords making conditions of tenancy contrary to the principles accepted by Parliament?

Mr. E. Brown

I am not aware of the practice to which my hon. Friend refers, but if he will let me have any information in his possession, I shall be glad to consider it. I may, however, point out that under the Rent Restrictions Acts, possession of a house to which those Acts apply cannot be recovered except by means of an order of the court. The court is required not to make an order unless it considers it reasonable to do so, and either has power to make it on any of the grounds specified in the Act, which do not include those referred to by my hon. Friend, or is satisfied that suitable alternative accommodation is or will be available for the tenant.