HC Deb 18 February 1943 vol 386 cc1952-3W
Dr. Russell Thomas

asked the Minister of Labour whether he will consider the use of hostels or huts with adequate supervision for dock workers who are slightly indisposed instead of sending them home, frequently long distances, from the ports at which they are working until they recover, thereby saving transport, time and extra risk to health?

Mr. Bevin

Transferred dockers are found lodgings in the port to which they may be sent. Should they become slightly indisposed and unable to receive proper care in the lodging, arrangements can be made for them, as for other trans- ferred war workers, to be found accommodation in an emergency hospital under the arrangement I made with my right hon. Friend the Minister of Health in November, 1940. If my hon. Friend has information of any particular case in which these arrangements have not proved satisfactory, and he will let me have details, I will look into it.