HC Deb 14 October 1942 vol 383 c1652W
Mr. Creech Jones

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies how many women have been appointed since the war in each of the following colonial services: labour inspection, welfare and social services, education, medical officers and nurses; and whether the review, promised by his predecessor on 16th July, 1941, has yet been completed and any action taken?

Mr. Harold Macmillan

The information available in the Colonial Office gives the following figures:

Labour Inspection 1
Welfare and Social Services 1
Education 23
Medical 2
Nurses 249

I should emphasise, however, that there are undoubtedly many appointments made locally of which my Noble Friend has not received information. As regards the re-view promised by my predecessor, it was found on further examination that such a review could only be completed by circularising Colonial Governments for information, and it was felt that this would not be justified in present circumstances.

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