HC Deb 09 June 1942 vol 380 cc942-4W
Dr. Morgan

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of War Transport (1) what penalties are imposed on steamship lines under contract by the British or Indian Governments, where evidence is available, that the contract terms have not been carried out, especially in cases where British out-going troops have been subject to undignified treatment and bad conditions;

(2) whether he is aware of the complaints reaching Great Britain of the treatment of soldiers on board ships of the Peninsular and Oriental Steamship Line during transport to the Far East, especially with regard to food and sanitation and general attention whilst on board; that, though the Government of India paid for second-class cabin accommodation for the officer-cadets, they had to sleep in hammocks on the mess deck; that these cadets were employed on fatigue duty under Lascar superintendence; what incidence of disease has been reported as occurring on such voyages; and what steps are being taken to ameliorate or prevent the repetition of such undesirable conditions on board these ships;

(3) what are the general terms of the contract made by the British or Indian Governments with the Peninsular and Oriental Steamship Line for the transport of British and other troops to the Eastern war spheres; what supervision is imposed as to the performance of contract terms; and what precautions are taken to ensure that proper attention, treatment and sanitary facilities are available on board such ships?

Mr. Noel-Baker

The contract made by the British Government with shipping companies for the conveyance of troops is the charter party under which the ships are engaged. This charter party is governed by the regulations for H.M. Sea Transport Service. Under these regulations, troop transports must be thoroughly well equipped and supplied to the satisfaction of my Department, which is also responsible for fitting them for the conveyance of troops. Before each voyage, each troop transport is inspected by a board, representative of all the Services concerned. During the voyage, the officer commanding troops, in conjunction with the master, is responsible for ensuring that any legitimate complaint is remedied, as far as is practicable. On arrival at the destination, he reports on the general conditions during the voyage. The transport is also inspected at intermediate ports by representatives of this Department and of the Service Departments. Officer cadets are entitled to troop, not second class accommodation. I have no information that they have been employed on fatigue duty under Lascar superintendence. No serious complaints regarding the treatment of troops on board these ships have been brought to my notice, nor has any undue incidence of disease been reported. If, however, the hon. Member will give me further particulars, I shall be glad to inquire into them.