HC Deb 02 June 1942 vol 380 cc546-7W
Sir R. Tasker

asked the Home Secretary whether, under the Workmen's Compensation Act, any allowance is made to a widow or deserted wife for any children dependent upon her if she is injured during the hours of employment?

Mr. H. Morrison

The only additional allowances in respect of children granted by the Workmen's Compensation Acts in disablement cases are those provided for under the Workmen's Compensation (Supplementary Allowances) Act, 1940, which would not apply in the cases mentioned. I am writing to my hon. Friend to explain the position more fully.

Mr. W. Joseph Stewart

asked the Minister of Health the number of persons in the administrative county of Durham in receipt of workmen's compensation during 1936 to 1942 who had to apply for Poor Law relief; and the total amount paid to them from the local rates each year up to date?

Mr. E. Brown

I regret that the information asked for is not available and that it could not be obtained without the expenditure of an undue amount of time and labour by the staff of the county council. The council have, however, supplied me with the following statement relating to a typical week in each of the years 1937, 1938 and 1939.

Week in Number of persons in receipt of Workmen's Compensation and Poor Law relief. Number of Dependants relieved. Cost of outdoor relief.
Actual Cost in the week. The weekly cost represents an annual expenditure of
£ £
May, 1937 654 1,877 471 24,492
June, 1938 520 1,511 403 20,956
February, 1939 602 1,646 448 23,296