HC Deb 09 December 1942 vol 385 c1581W
Mr. Hannah

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food, why many old-established bacon factories have been closed under a concentration scheme imposed by the Ministry of Food before the details of the scheme had been agreed upon by the industry; whether he is aware that the details are now, three months after the scheme came into full operation, still under discussion between the Ministry and representatives of the industry; and whether, in view of the poor results obtained by concentration, he will issue instructions for pigs to be supplied to any closed factory which can handle them with its existing facilities?

Mr. Mabane

The whole bacon curing industry was advised fully three months before the date from which concentration was to be effective, that concentration would take place and every curer was given an opportunity of submitting group or other arrangements before any decisions were made by my Department. As, however, a representative committee of the bacon curing industry had indicated that it would not accept the responsibility of deciding which bacon factories should cease production under concentration, the Ministry undertake this task. The plan under which concentration of bacon production has taken place was discussed and settled with representatives of the industry before the names of any nucleus or closed factory were announced. The present discussions to which my hon. Friend refers are in connection only with the formation of a company to operate the financial aspects of the plan. The financial arrangements made by the company when it is formed will be retrospective to the date of concentration. In these circumstances, my Noble Friend sees no reason for taking the action suggested by my hon. Friend.