HC Deb 10 September 1941 vol 374 cc198-9W
Sir W. Edge

asked the Secretary for Mines the number of collieries in Leicestershire which possess canteens and those which do not possess them; and what specific complaints he has received from the county with regard to the inadequacy of the food of the miners now employed?

Mr. Grenfell

All the collieries in the Leicestershire coalfield are supplying meat pies, sandwiches and other food for the miners to take underground, and consideration is being given to the establishment of canteens capable of providing meals for those who desire them. In this connection the Miners' Welfare Commission and the District Committee held a conference of representatives of the owners and workmen of the collieries on 8th September. These measures, coupled with the additional cheese ration, have been introduced to meet the general complaint from the industry of inadequate food. No specific complaints have been received from this county.

Sir W. Edge

asked the Secretary for Mines the number of miners who are still wanted in Leicestershire in order to make up output to the fullest standard of efficiency?

Mr. Grenfell

Production in the Leicestershire coalfield is very satisfactory. A little over 1oo men are wanted to bring the personnel up to the total numbers which the owners consider could be employed with immediate advantage to production.