HC Deb 20 November 1941 vol 376 cc479-80W
Captain Elliston

asked the Home Secretary whether he is satisfied that, in the interests of national security, the powers he now has are sufficiently far-reaching adequately to deal with what are now border-line cases; and if not, will he ask for all necessary power to be given to His Majesty's Government to secure, as far as is practicable, the safety of the State from the activities of potential fifth columnists?

Mr. H. Morrison

There clearly must be limits to the powers of the Executive even in time of war and it is true that at present these limitations do cause me some little difficulty in certain border-line cases. But should experience prove that further powers are necessary in the interests of national security I should not hesitate to seek the necessary authority from Parliament.

Sir W. Smithers

asked the Home Secretary whether he will ask the House for powers to intern any persons who, in his opinion or the opinion of his advisers, might give assistance to the enemy in the event of an enemy landing?

Mr. Morrison

I already have the necessary powers under paragraph (1B) of Defence Regulation 18B.