§ Mr. Henderson Stewartasked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he has given further consideration to the proposal to purchase, on behalf of the State all store cattle coming from Ireland, for ultimate distribution by the State to livestock marts throughout Scotland and thereafter purchase in the usual manner by farmers, or what other method does he intend to adopt to prevent excessive profits arising out of the keen demand for, and the short supply of, store cattle going to a few Irish cattle dealers?
Mr. JohnstonWhatever may be the merits of a permanent State Purchase Organisation for the acquisition and distribution of livestock imports, the creation of such an Organisation to meet a purely temporary situation would not, in my opinion, be justified, even if there were time to carry through the necessary negotiations. I may add that prices of two-year-old cattle have fallen by about 10 per cent. in Scottish markets since the decision to permit the resumption of Irish store imports was announced on the 14th October.