HC Deb 29 May 1941 vol 371 cc2017-8W
Mr. Liddall

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food what powers to prosecute alleged offenders are given to local food investigation committees; and what are their other powers?

Major Lloyd George

The committees are charged to keep under review in their area the price levels of foods which are not price controlled, to investigate complaints made to them regarding the prices of these foods and to report the facts to the Ministry, They have been authorised by my Noble Friend to compel disclosure of books and trading accounts if this is necessary for the purpose of their investigations.

Mr. Liddall

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food what steps he has taken on the representations made by various food price investigation committees?

Major Lloyd George

The representations made by food price investigation committees are in all cases carefully examined. The making of a Maximum Price Order is considered in all suitable cases.