HC Deb 13 May 1941 vol 371 cc1098-9W
Mr. R. Morgan

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he is aware that a temporary assistant in a Royal Navy armament depot, of whose identity he has been informed, prior to this appointment was employed in a motor-car business; that some time after his appointment he was released by the Admiralty for one month in order to return to the private motor-car business; that at this period the remainder of the staff at the depot were being worked at heavy pressure; and why a private firm is permitted to enjoy the services of a Government employé for its own private business for a month during a time of heavy pressure in the Admiralty service?

Mr. Alexander

The temporary assistant to whom my hon. Friend refers had been released by his employers for the duration of the war, to take up work of national importance under the Admiralty. He was given special leave without pay for a month to help his previous employers in carrying out urgent work, also of national importance, in connection with the provision of transport for use largely on Government service. I am satisfied that the circumstances were exceptional enough in this instance to justify the grant of special leave.