HC Deb 27 March 1941 vol 370 c722W
Mr. White

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food if his attention has been drawn to the recent rise in the price of coffee; and what steps have been taken to secure compliance in respect of this commodity with the conditions of the Food (Current Prices) Order, 1941?

Major Lloyd George

I assume that my hon. Friend refers to the wholesale prices of coffee when sold by auction. I am aware that a rise in the general level of these prices has occurred. The Enforcement of the Food (Current Prices) Order, 1941, is difficult when a commodity subject to wide variations in quality grades and varieties is sold by auction and I understand that for much of the coffee put up to auction in recent weeks there is no guide as to comparable values under the Order. If my hon. Friend has any information of specific cases where prices have been charged in excess of the "current price" as defined by the Order I shall be glad if he will pass particulars to me so that they may be investigated.