HC Deb 11 March 1941 vol 369 c1158W
Mr. Hayday

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether arrangements are being made for the collection of surplus vegetables, perishable and other, not only from established growers but from the innumerable small growers and allotment holders who have been stimulated by the."Grow More Food" campaign and who are preparing to grow more vegetables than are necessary for their own households?

Mr. Hudson

I have not encouraged the small grower and allotment holder to grow the maximum quantity of vegetables indiscriminately; such a policy would almost certainly lead to the production of a large unconsumable surplus of summer vegetables of the perishable type, and to disappointment and discouragement. The policy I advocate for the amateur grower is one of orderly cropping, with the cropping so planned that a succession of vegetables is obtained all the year round, that over-production of summer vegetables is avoided, and that any production surplus to the grower's own requirements is of non-perishable vegetables which can be stored for use during the winter months. I have commended this policy to the organisations concerned in advising amateur growers throughout the country. Should it prove that surpluses of storable vegetables are in fact produced, I am satisfied that the machinery of committees now established is sufficient to carry out any arrangements for collection which may be decided upon. As regards commercial growers, I have no reason to suppose that the established trade is unable to handle their produce, but any special arrangements would fall to be considered by my right hon. Friend the Minister of Food.

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