HC Deb 16 July 1941 vol 373 c618W
Captain Strickland

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he is aware that road transport drivers are frequently unable to obtain suitable meals at roadside eating-houses intended specially for their use in consequence of the available supplies of food at those houses having been used in supplying meals to the general public and to members of the armed forces; and whether arrangements can be made on important traffic routes to ensure that sufficient food shall be reserved by the managers of those houses for supplying meals to road transport workers?

Major Lloyd George

I am aware that in some cases road transport drivers have experienced difficulty in obtaining meals at roadside cafes. Arrangements have recently been concluded with the Service Departments for members of the armed forces when travelling by road to be provided with the necessary supplies of food wherever possible. It would not be practicable to impose restrictions on roadside cafes in regard to the classes for whom they should cater. No catering establishment should experience difficulty in obtaining rationed foods, but in the prevailing shortage, difficulties may be experienced in regard to unrationed foods. Any catering establishment, however, in serious difficulties in regard to supplies should approach the local food executive officer who will render any assistance possible.