HC Deb 22 January 1941 vol 368 cc195-6W
Mr. De la Bère

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether, in connection with the Government proposals to introduce vitamin B 1 into the loaf in the spring of 1941, he can give some approximate estimate of the cost to the nation of doing this for a full 12 months?

Mr. Johnstone

It is not possible to estimate in advance how the total consumption of bread may be divided between bread made with fortified white flour and with long extraction flour. Consequently the total cost of fortifying white flour with vitamin B 1 cannot be stated. The cost is not, however, expected to exceed one-tenth of a penny per quartern white loaf.

Sir E. Graham-Little

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food on what licence from the German I.G. patents for the manufacture of vitamin B 1 the Government is relying for the right to manufacture this product; and why, in view of the war, any such licence is required to operate a German patent?

Mr. Johnstone

His Majesty's Government have not undertaken the manufacture of vitamin B 1, but will for the present obtain supplies from a firm of chemical manufacturers which has the right to use patents Nos. 471,416 and 475,595, covering inventions made by the German company, I.G. Farbenindustrie. Bayer Products, Limited, of Africa House, Kingsway, are the registered proprietors of both patents in this country.

Sir E. Graham-Little

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he is aware that certain British firms of the highest standing proposed, in July last, after the Government's announcement of its decision to vitaminise white bread, to undertake the manufacture of vitamin B 1; whether these proposals were considered by the Ministry; what action was taken on them; and whether, in view of the delay in producing vitamin B 1 arising partly from restriction under existing contracts of its manufacture to one firm, and of the risk of the destruction of a single factory by enemy action, he will encourage the dispersal of its manufacture by inviting the co-operation of other firms than Roche Products, Limited, if these firms can satisfy him of their ability to undertake it?

Mr. Johnstone

My Noble Friend is aware of two firms, in addition to Roche Products, Limited, who had begun some months before the date of the announcement to which my hon. Friend refers to make plans for the manufacture of vitamin B 1 on a considerable scale. Proposals by these firms have been considered with the result indicated in the reply given on 18th December to my hon. Friend the Member for Evesham (Mr. De la Bère), of which I am sending the hon. Member a copy. My Noble Friend will gladly consider similar proposals by other firms.