HC Deb 17 December 1941 vol 376 cc1954-5W
Dr. Little

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether, as the potato processing factories for Northern Ireland cannot be erected and in operation for some time, he will have transferred to Northern Ireland at the earliest possible moment the potato processing plant in Scotland that has been brought under his notice which, although in complete working order, has not been in use for some time past, in order that the work of potato pressing may be begun at once in Northern Ireland while the potatoes are in condition for giving the best results?

Major Lloyd George

The potato plant in Scotland to which my hon. Friend refers, which has not been in operation for about 15 years, is equipped only for the manufacture of potato starch. For this purpose the processing season ends in December or early January. Even if it were desirable, therefore, it would not now be possible to transfer the plant to Northern Ireland for production from the current potato crop. The proposal was very carefully considered early in the year, when the desirability of producing potato starch was under examination, and rejected on the grounds that the erection of new plant in Northern Ireland would be both quicker and less expensive than the transfer of plant from Scotland. Later it was decided that more satisfactory outlets existed for surplus potatoes than the production of potato starch and orders were therefore placed for the drying plant now being made. Both the types selected can be operated, if necessary, until June or July, and will produce dried potatoes suitable for human or animal consumption. Where the potatoes are not used for human food in the form of potato flour they will be distributed for animal feeding and thus help to maintain the ration for dairy cows. It is not possible at present to form a close estimate of the quantity of potatoes likely to be available in Northern Ireland for processing before the next harvest, but I am advised that the factories in course of erection may be able to deal with the whole quantity.