HC Deb 06 August 1941 vol 373 c1966W
Mr. A. Edwards

asked the Secretary of State for Air whether he is aware that a public appeal by advertisements in the daily papers was recently made for £3,000,000 for the benefit of the dependants of men who lose their lives in the Royal Air Force; and what steps he proposes to take to prevent such appeals being made on the ground that the Government will adequately provide for all dependants of men who lose their lives in the country's service?

Sir A. Sinclair

I am aware that appeals on behalf of the R.A.F. Benevolent Fund have recently appeared in the Press. The work of this Fund has been and is of the utmost value in supplementing in deserving cases the scope of provision made for dependants from public funds. The Benevolent Fund also relieves many other cases of individual misfortune or need among serving or ex-serving personnel and their families which fall outside the bounds of Government assistance.