HC Deb 27 June 1940 vol 362 c613W
Sir J. Wardlaw-Milne

asked the Minister of Labour how many men of those called up have claimed to be treated as conscientious objectors; what percentage this represents of the total registered; how many of the objectors have appeared before the tribunals; and how many are engaged on work of real national importance?

Mr. Bevin

43,534 men, or 1.4 per cent. of the total registered under the National Service (Armed Forces) Act, have made application to be registered as conscientious objectors. Up to 8th June, 17,247 had had their cases dealt with by the local tribunals, who have ordered civilian work in 7,201 cases. In specifying the civilian work which these men must undertake the tribunals have regard to the national interest, but I am not in a position to give the statistics asked for in the last part of the Question.