§ Mr. Boyceasked the Postmaster-General whether he is aware that the postal charges on small packets addressed to members of His Majesty's Forces in France are, in some cases, approximately three times as great as those on similar packets addressed to the Forces at home; and whether he will consider making a reduction in these charges in order that relatives and friends of the men and women serving with the British Expeditionary Force may not be compelled to pay charges on parcels out of all proportion to the value of the contents?
§ Major TryonThe rate of postage for letters and letter packets for members of His Majesty's Forces in France is the Imperial rate applicable to correspondence for the British Empire generally, and is 1365W appreciably less than the international rate applicable to correspondence for civilian addresses in France. It is true that for letter packets over 1 oz. to members of His Majesty's Forces in France, the postage is higher than that payable on similar packets addressed to the Forces at home, but packets over 8 oz. can be sent more cheaply by parcel post than by letter post. I have already afforded a low rate of 9d. for parcels up to 3 lb.; and I regret that I cannot see my way to make any further concession