§ Mr. T. Smithasked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs whether he can give an outline of the amounts and conditions of the Acts regarding old age pensions in operation in Canada, Australia and New Zealand?
§ Mr. EdenIn Canada non-contributory old age pensions are payable to British subjects from age 70, subject to certain conditions as to the means of the recipient. The maximum rate of pension is approximately $240. In Australia non-contributory old age pensions to an amount not exceeding £52 per annum are payable, in normal cases, to men at the age of 65, and to women at the age of 60. The pension is so graduated that the total income of the pensioner shall not exceed £84 10s. per annum. In both these cases pensions are payable only after continuous residence of 20 years.
In New Zealand old age pensions have been on a contributory basis since the passing of the Social Security Act, 1938. Men and women receive £78 per annum on reaching age 60, provided that their income from other sources does not exceed £52 per annum and that their accumulated property does not exceed £500 in value. Such pensions are payable to persons who on the 15th March, 1938, had resided continuously for 10 years in New Zealand. For persons who were not so resident on that date, a period of continuous residence of 20 years is necessary. Under the same New Zealand Act superannuation allowances will be come payable from the 1st April, 1940, to all persons who reach the age of 65, without any restriction as to property and income, at the rate of £10 per annum for the first 1184W year, increasing by £2 10s. per annum in succeeding years until the maximum of £78 per annum is reach in 1968. Persons receiving "age benefit"(old age pension) on reaching the age of 65 may elect either to continue the age benefit or to receive a superannuation allowance.