HC Deb 01 November 1939 vol 352 cc1946-7W
Colonel Baldwin-Webb

asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster whether he can give an assurance that none of the executive officers of any of the food control boards are still retained by any trading body, corporation or cooperative society in competition with those producing, manufacturing or distributing the articles or commodities controlled?

Sir J. Wardlaw-Milne

asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster whether he will give a list of all the controllers appointed by the Ministry of Food, and, in such cases as these gentlemen were not previously Government officials, their business interests prior to their assuming their present duties; and to what extent these interests continue?

Mr. W. S. Morrison

Following is a statement giving the names of the heads of the commodity organisations of the Ministry and their principal business interests or positions previously held.

It is a condition of appointment to these and subordinate posts that holders of them should not exercise executive control of any business connected with food importation, manufacture or distribution. Whilst it is recognised that occasional contact with their business interests may be necessary, the overriding principles which have been laid down are:

  1. (i) that in all circumstances their private trade interests must be secondary to and must not conflict with their official duties and responsibilities;
  2. (ii) that they must give no ground for any suggestion that their firms or businesses are obtaining or are likely to obtain an advantage, either during or after the war, as a consequence of their appointment.

Commodity. Head. Principal business Interests or position previously held.
Butter Mr. H. E. Davis London Manager of Dominion of New Zealand Dairy Sales Division.
Cereals and Cereal Products Sir Alan Anderson, G.B.E., M.P. (Chairman of Cereals Control Board). Chairman, Anderson Green & Co., Member of Royal Commission on Wheat Supplies. 1914–18.
Feeding Stuffs SirBryce Burt, C.I.E., M.B.E. Indian Agricultural Service.
Tea Sir Hubert Carr, K.C.I.E.
Canned Fish Mr. Dan Tobey Angus Watson Ltd.
Meat and Livestock Sir Francis Boys, K.B.E. Vice Chairman, Livestock Commission. Member, Bacon Development Board.
Bacon and Ham Mr. J. F. Boddinar Chairman, Bacon Marketing Board. Member, Bacon Development Board.
Dried Fruits Mr. A. E. Gough, O.B.E. (designate) Managing Director, Overseas Farmers Co-operative Federation Ltd.
Sugar Col. F. C. C. Balfour, C.I.E. C.B.E., M.C. (Chairman of Board). Chairman of Sugar Commission.
Imported Eggs Mr. J. A. Peacock Director and Secretary, Nurdin and Peacock Ltd.
Potatoes Capt. J. M. Mollett (designate) Chairman, Potato Marketing Board.
Oils and Fats Mr. Herbert Davis Director of Lever Bros., and Unilever Ltd.
Condensed Milk Mr. E. W. Brown, O.B.E. Director of Napier Brown and Co. Ltd.

Mr W.S.Morrison in pursuance of his reply to Mr.Ness Edwards on 12th October:

Number. Salary.
Divisional Food Officer 1 £1.000
Deputy Divisional Food Officer 1 £700
Assistants to above 5 £500
1 £250
2 £200
Clerical, etc. 11 Standard rates.
Local Food Committees
Food Executive Officers 31 £100–£600 according to population.
Assistants and Clerical, etc. (approximate figure—numbers fluctuate). 60 Standard clerical rates except in large areas.
Meat and Livestock.
Area Meat and Livestock Officer 1 £950
Deputy Area Meat and Livestock Officer 1 £750
Area Officers, etc. 8 £550–£750
Deputy Area Officers, etc. 10 £275–£300
Clerical, etc. 20 Standard rates.
Other Commodities.
Area Officers, etc. 12 Under consideration.
Clerical, etc. 9 Standard rates.
Total 173

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